Religious School
We are continuing our partnership with ISJL, Institute for Southern Jewish Life. They provide us with modern, proven, spiraled, and scripted programs for early childhood through high school Judaics, as well as kindergarten through 7th grade Hebrew.
Through this partnership, Beth El remains connected with congregations throughout the South, as well as support systems for training. programming, and mentoring.
In addition, thanks to a generous donor we recently renovated of all our classrooms with new flooring, fresh paint, new furniture, art, cabinetry, white boards and more. Interested parents are welcome to visit Beth El to tour the environment where our children grow and thrive!
This year, Beth El Congregation’s Religious School will meet in person, in small, intimate classes. Our committed religious school directors bring continuity and creativity to our children, assisted by the ISJL program.
Our teachers are a wonderful mix of individuals who care deeply about the continuity of Judaism – from college and graduate students to Beth El members with a sincere love of Jewish learning. They bring compassion and passion to your children, as they learn what it means to be Jewish in today’s world. We also include a musical component with our program!
As an active member of our faculty, Rabbi Stucker-Rozovsky serves as a resource for teachers, students, and parents.
Annual programs can include Consecration for our youngest students and Confirmation for our older students.
B’nai Mitzvah
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah program at Beth El has been in place for a very long time. Each year, young men and women ascend the bimah, conduct a major portion of the service on Saturday morning, read or chant from the Torah and the prophets, offer an explanation of what they have read, and demonstrate a level of commitment to tzedakah, of self-awareness, and of appreciation to their parents and teachers that is very gratifying.
Formal Hebrew study begins in the 4th grade.
For 8-12 months prior to becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, students meet regularly with the Rabbi to master all the prayers and materials they are required to know. For those who live a distance from the synagogue, weekly appointments with can be arranged via Skype, Zoom or Facetime.
We try very hard to maintain a level of spirituality in the training of our students. We want them to become mentschen— thoughtful, considerate, responsible Jews.
We can guarantee this: Your child will do well enough to make you proud. And in the process, he or she will learn a great deal about our Jewish heritage.
For Younger Children
We have two choices for our little ones: Aleph Bet Duet and Tot Shabbat.
Aleph Bet Duet is a monthly class for 4- to 6-year-olds that introduces Jewish Bible stories, symbols, traditions, and Hebrew letters. With a focus on crafts and creativity, this program is a fun way for younger children to learn Jewish fundamentals in a group setting.
Tot Shabbat, also held monthly, is a highly interactive 30-minute service filled with Jewish holiday celebrations, a mini-Torah service, and lots of music. The kids are often on their feet dancing, shaking their maracas, and following the Rabbi in a “hakafah” (circling) of the sanctuary.
Adult Education

Adult Education offerings vary from year to year, driven by members’ interests. In the past few years, classes have been taught in introductory Hebrew, modern Jewish literature, and the History of Reform Judaism.
Twice monthly Rabbi Stucker-Rozovsky offers Introduction to Judaism and Torah Study classes on Saturday mornings. They continue to grow in popularity. The Rabbi also leads periodic lectures on Saturday evenings with guest speakers discussing all aspects of Judaism and Jewish history. These lectures follow a short Havdalah service.
In the past we have also enjoyed a whole weekend of study about Jewish mysticism, as well as a fascinating workshop about Hebrew calligraphy.