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Weekly Services

Friday night Shabbat services are conducted in our sanctuary and are also streamed via ZOOM link. Friday services begin at 7:30 pm. Our services are conducted by either Rabbi Stucker-Rozovsky or one of our talented volunteer Lay Leaders. 

Security is important to us as well, therefore professional security guards are on site for all services held at Beth El. Visitors who are not known to our community will be asked to show proper ID and may be questioned by our security team upon arrival.

Beth El also conducts periodic Havdalah services, lectures and we also have annual, themed Shabbatot in honor of Veteran’s Day, Holocaust Remembrance, New Members, Interfaith Families, Pride Month, Black History Month, and more.  

For all services, check the calendar on the HOME page for service times.


Family Shabbat

Our Family potluck Shabbat dinners are back! Watch our e-blasts for dates and themes. These evenings start with dinner together in the social hall and include blessings over the candles, wine, challah, and children. After dinner, there is a family-friendly service beginning at 7:30 pm and to end the evening, we enjoy an oneg Shabbat, often featuring sweet treats, like cake and ice cream. 


Tuesday Morning Minyan

Our Weekly Minyan is conducted on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am when Congregants gather via Zoom for worship and Torah study and discussion. 

If you would like details or a Zoom link, please email the office at


Tot Shabbat

We hold monthly Tot Shabbat services designed for our youngest kids. These are short, noise-welcome gatherings with lots of music brought to us by congregants who share their musical talents, which range from singing to guitar to fiddle to piano. We honor the major holidays with candle lighting and blessings at Hanukkah, costumes at Purim, an Exodus reenactment at Passover, and more.

Last year, we even celebrated Shavuot with ice cream in the lounge after the service. And birthday celebrants of the month – including parents! – are also honored with a blessing from the Rabbi and special stickers. 





High Holidays

During our High Holidays we are blessed with the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Aaron Stucker-Rozovsky and Cantorial Soloist Krishna Alexandra.  Among other highlights, our tradition includes launching Yom Kippur services with the Kol Nidre melody played by a professional cellist, along with extraordinary shofar blowing. 

Join us for services for Erev Rosh Hashanah, first and second day Rosh Hashanah, Tashlich, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur, and Family Services for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.   

Selichot Saturday September 28 8:00 pm Beth El Memorial Service Sunday October 6 1:00 pm Gardens of Beth El
Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday October 2 8:00 pm Beth El Kol Nidre Saturday October 11 8:00 pm Beth El
Rosh Hashanah- 1st Day Thursday October 3 10:00 am Beth El Yom Kippur Morning Saturday October 12 10:00 am Beth El
Tashlich Thursday October 3 2:30 pm Shenandoah U.* Family/Children’s Service Saturday October 12 3:00 pm Beth El
Family/Children’s Service Thursday October 3 3:30 pm Beth El Afternoon Service Saturday October 12 4:00 pm Beth El
Rosh Hashanah- 2nd day Friday October 4 10:00 am Beth El Yizkor Saturday October 12 5:00 pm Beth El
Shabbat Shuva Saturday October 5 10:00 am Beth El


Neilah Saturday October 12 6:00 pm Beth El
 *Tashlich service will be outdoors at Sarah’s Glen on the Shenandoah U. campus. All services will be available via Zoom stream EXCEPT Tashlich and the Memorial Service at the Gardens of Beth El.
Selichot and Shabbat Shuva are not ticketed HHD services. Non-Beth El members needing tickets should call our office at 540-667-1889, or email for information about purchasing seats. Tickets may also be purchased with a credit card via PayPal here.

About Rabbi Aaron Stucker-Rozovsky

Rabbi Aaron Stucker-Rozovsky became the Rabbi of Beth El Congregation on August 1, 2020. Born in Nova Scotia, Rabbi Stucker-Rozovsky was raised along the eastern seaboard including several years in Richmond, Virginia where he had his bar mitzvah and graduated high school. Rabbi Rozovsky graduated from Providence College with a BA in History (2008), Central Connecticut State University with a MS in International Studies with a concentration in Latin America (2012), and an MA in Hebrew Letters from the Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR)(2017). He received smicha (Rabbinical ordination) from HUC-JIR in 2018. During his time at HUC, Rabbi Rozovsky was the student Rabbi for congregations in Petoskey, Michigan and Terre Haute, Indiana. 

Before coming to Winchester, Rabbi Stucker-Rozovsky was the Director of Rabbinical Services for the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL) based in Jackson, Mississippi for two years. He served ISJL-affiliated congregations in 13 southern states that did not have full-time Rabbis of their own.


High Holiday Seats 

All Beth El members in good standing will receive tickets as well as a ZOOM link for High Holy Day services. Non-members who would like to attend High Holy Day services at Beth El are most welcome. Contact our office for more information on how non-members can purchase a ticket. 

If you join Beth El before November 30th, the amount of your ticket payment will be deducted from your dues. Click here for Membership Application. 

How to Pay for Seats 

The suggested fee for High Holy days is $200/person for adults, $400 for families. Please donate what is comfortable for you to help us cover our costs. We are grateful for your support. 

We now offer two ways to pay for High Holy Day seats:

  1. You can pay through PayPal (see link above)
  2. You can send a check by following the directions below.

By Check: Or send your check, made out to Beth El Congregation, to 520 Fairmont Avenue, Winchester, VA 22601, ATTN: High Holiday Seats. With your check for $200 per person, please include your name, phone number, snail mail address, and e-mail address.

We look forward to worshipping with you.